Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Air Caddy It Up

I apologize to all my loyal blog followers that I haven't been posting regularly, but I have been busy training for the half-marathon which is now only 17 days away!! Today I bought the Air Caddy to use for transporting my bike across the country for our trip. Apparently the company is changing specs on the Caddy due to the shipping companies concerns over the high price of fuel so the companies wanted smaller boxes. Anyway the Caddy should be here by mid-May. Also as Mike previously posted we went on our first training ride two weekends ago. It takes awhile for your ass to heal after being in the saddle for 28 miles and the first ride of the season. It was a good ride until we saw the steep hill signs and knew we would have to climb back all the fun hills we went down. Hopefully after the half is over I hope to ride 3-4 times per week (work permitting). Also, big thanks to everyone that has supported Mike and my efforts to raise money to find a cure for Juvenile Diabetes. If you haven't donated and want to there is still time left. The links to our rider pages are provided in Mike's post below. Thanks again for all your help.

1 comment:

Roman said...

Make sure that you keep the Air Caddy. I want to sleep in it the next time we party in Hoboken.