Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We made it

Jesse posting

Currently, we're sitting in the lodge at our campsite relaxin. We just ate an enormous delicious dinner. (I had a salad Ma) Today was one of the most insane days ever and definately the hardest ride i've ever finished. 70 MILES!!My favorite part of the day had to have been when we stopped to watch actual elephant seals in their habitat. (layin in the waterand on the beach). They were massive. Think size of a 70's Buick Also, in the same area as the seals were tiny squirrils (dad I took pictures). Oh also before I forget dad instead of commenting you have been emailing mike.Hardest part of the day was everything after ragged point around mile 20. I was pretty sore today.All in all great day. Took a while almost 10 hours in the saddle (guestimate) but worth it.

Sent from my iPhone

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